LB Broth-lyophilized Rabbit Anti-sheep Cell Haemolysin as a Simple Culture Medium for Cultivation of Leishmania Major Promastigotes

  • Vahid Nasiri
  • Farnoosh Jameie
  • Habibollah Paykari


Background and Aims: The protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania are the causative agents of the various clinical diseases. Different methods of cultivation of Leishmanian parasites are available. In the present work, the efficacy of the LB broth with rabbit Lyophilized anti-Sheep RBC Haemolysin was evaluated in cultivation of promastigotes of Leishmania major.

Material and Methods: conventional LB broth medium was prepared and autoclaved for 15 min at 121 °C and then lyophilized Rabbit anti-Sheep Cell Haemolysin was added at the 1-10% final concentrations. The efficacy of medium was evaluated by assessing the growth ability and replication pattern of the promastigotes of Leishmania major.

Results: medium with 1-10% lyophilized Rabbit Haemolysin supported the growth of the parasites and can be used for cultivation of Leishmanian parasites with acceptable In vivo infectivity for research purpose.

Conclusions: The ability of the parasites to survive and proliferating in the presence of lyophilized Rabbit Haemolysin indicating that this material a good nutritional source. This study opens a new way to make low- cost medium that could be used in cultivation of Leishmanian parasites.
