Relationship between Changes in Serum Insulin with Hepatic Expression of PEPCK, G6Pase and HNF4α in Response to Resistance Training in Diabetic Rats with High-Fat Diet and STZ
Objective: Genetic studies indicate that available insulin influences the activity or expression of hepaticgluconeogenic genes. This study aimed to assess the effect of resistance exercise program on gluconeogenicgenes expression and their change relation with insulin in response to training.
Materials and Methods: 18 male wistar rats by 6 weeks high-fat diet were studied. Type 2 diabetes wasinduced by intraperitoneal injection of STZ (25 mg/dl) in 14 rats. Finally, the studied rats were selected into 3groups: 1) non-diabetic, 2) control diabetic, 3) resistance diabetic. Rats in the resistance group participated in a6-week resistance training in the form of climbing a step ladder with resistance and other groups remained none-training. ANOVA statistical test used to compare glucose, insulin and hepatic expression of PEPCK, G6Paseand HNF4α between groups. Correlation between insulin changes and gene expression was determined bySpearman's correlation test.
Results: Serum insulin significantly increased following resistance training intervention (P= 0.043). Asignificant decrease was also observed in fasting glucose (P= 0.001) and hepatic expression of PEPCK (P=0.001), G6Pase (P= 0.001) and HNF4α (P= 0.011) compared to control diabetes rats. Significant inversecorrelation was observed in the change of insulin with HNF4α (P= 0.001), PEPCK (P= 0.013) and G6Pase (P=0.043) in response to resistance training.
Conclusion: Resistance training is associated with changes in the expression of gluconeogenic genes, andthese changes can probably be attributed to changes in serum insulin