What Do Iranian Diabetic Patients Know about Diabetes? - A Review
t is well established that knowledge is the key factor in optimal diabetes control. Adherence to the medicaltreatment and the healthcare provider's advice is associated with the level of knowledge about the health issue.The diabetic patients with acceptable knowledge about diabetes achieve better glycemic control. Since diabetescause is multifactorial, it is necessary for patients to have knowledge in various aspects of diabetes.This review investigates the diabetes knowledge status in Iranian people with diabetes. Most of the previousstudies were conducted on type 2 diabetes. Based on the topic, the studied conception was divided into threecategories including general knowledge, nutrition and complications. According to the reports, Iranian diabeticpeople have inadequate knowledge about different aspects of diabetes. A number of factors such as age,educational level, job status and income had a significant relationship with patients' knowledge. Consideringthe central role of the educational level in improving the level of diabetes knowledge, it is necessary to planeducational programs as much as possible, especially for illiterate or less educated patients.