Relationship Between Health Indicators and Educational Indicators in Iran’s Provinces

  • Mahboobeh Farzad Phd student in international economics, Kerman branch, Islamic Azad University,Kerman,Iran.
  • Mohsen Zayandeh Roody Associate Professor of Economics Department, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.
  • Seyed AbdolMajid Jalaei Esfandabadi Full professor, Department of Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: Health Indicators; Educational Indicators; Data Panel Model


Background: Currently, health indicators are considered an important factor in the development of countries and can be effective in raising the level of developmental indicators

Objectives: In this regard, the present study aimed to analyze the relationship between the effect of health indicators on the developmental indices of the provinces of Iran.

Methods: The current study of an applied type was descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective. The data were prepared through forms designed based on experts’ opinions and classified information in statistical yearbooks for the provinces of the country during 2016 - 2020. Data analysis was carried out using Stata 17 software. Moreover, panel data was used to estimate the model, and the Xtpcse test was used to obtain the results of the hypotheses.

Results: The results of the model estimation show the positive and meaningful impact of health indicators on educational indicators such as the ratio of students to teachers, the ratio of students to staff and management, the ratio of higher education students to the population of the provinces and the distribution of students in the province.

Conclusions: The country’s authorities can improve and develop health by identifying and optimizing the use of effective indicators in the field of Health and education indicators such as increasing the number of medical and health students and developing educational programs in the field of Health and health and informing the community about these programs, as well as encouraging higher education in low-income areas.
