Acceptable noise levels in Arabic-Persian bilinguals
Background and Aim: Acceptable noise level (ANL) test is a reliable measure of people’s ability to tolerate background noise. Central nervous system is one of the determinant factors in subject’s tolerance of noise. Bilinguals’ different central activity pattern may yield different ANL test results from monolinguals. This study aims to compare noise tolerance function in Arabic-Persian bilinguals with Persian monolinguals via Persian version of ANL.
Methods: In the present study, the Persian version of ANL was administered on 115 cases with normal hearing (56 male, 59 female) aged 18–37 years in three groups of the Persian monolingual, sequential Arabic-Persian bilinguals, and simultaneous Arabic-Persian bilinguals.
Results: The statistical analysis revealed significant difference in most comfortable level
(p = 0.002) and background noise level (p = 0.011) among three groups, i.e. between Persian monolinguals and sequential Arabic-Persian bilinguals and between Persian monolinguals and simultaneous Arabic-Persian bilinguals. In other words, mean scores of bilingual were higher than monolingual scores. There was no significant difference among three groups with regard to ANL scores (p = 0.114).
* Corresponding author: Department of Audiology, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Piche-Shemiran, Enghelab Ave., Tehran, 1148965141, Iran. Tel: 009821-77530636,
Conclusion: Despite the difference between Persian monolinguals and Arabic-Persian bilinguals in most comfortable level and background noise level, there is no significance difference in ANL results. Therefore, auditory central processing acts similarly in normal hearing monolingual and bilingual subjects. As a result, Persian version of ANL can be used for Arabic-Persian bilinguals, too.