Development of the Persian Staggered Spondaic Word Test with Perceptual Simultaneity: Validity, Reliability, and Normative Data
Background and Aim: The Persian Staggered Spondaic Word (P-SSW) test has been developed as a tool for identifying auditory processing disorders in Persian speakers. Utilizing the concept of perceptual simultaneity, the test was rigorously examined for psychometric reliability. Normative data were established, confirming its validity and suitability for clinical use in Persian-speaking populations.
Methods: The test was developed by optimizing the materials and using perceptual simultaneity. The test psychometric properties were also assessed and the test-retest reliability was evaluated after four weeks. This study recruited 380 participants. 24 experts evaluated the content validity. 42 individuals provided comments for the face validity verification. 213 healthy individuals were recruited to evaluate the psychometric properties.
Results: The content and face validity were confirmed. Insignificant differences were observed between the two genders. Significant differences were found in the total score and different conditions among specific age groups. Significant and positive correlations were observed between the test and retest scores (r>0.8).
Conclusion: Auditory processing can be assessed in Persian speakers using the P-SSW test as a valid and reliable instrument. Perceptual simultaneity might be the most appropriate technique to develop this test given the potential effects of other methods on the results.
Keywords: Development; staggered spondaic words test; perceptual simultaneity; auditory processing disorder