The impact of music on auditory and speech processing

  • Abdollah Moossavi
  • Nasrin Gohari


Background and Aim: Researchers in the fields of psychoacoustic and electrophysiology are mostly focused on demonstrating the better and different neurophysiological performance of musicians. The present study explores the imp­act of music upon the auditory system, the non-auditory system as well as the improvement of language and cognitive skills following listening to music or receiving music training.

Recent Findings: Studies indicate the impact of music upon the auditory processing from the cochlea to secondary auditory cortex and other parts of the brain. Besides, the impact of music on speech perception and other cognitive proce­ssing is demonstrated. Some papers point to the bottom-up and some others to the top-down pro­cessing, which is explained in detail.

Conclusion: Listening to music and receiving music training, in the long run, creates plasticity from the cochlea to the auditory cortex. Since the auditory path of musical sounds overlaps functionally with that of speech path, music hel­ps better speech perception, too. Both percep­tual and cognitive functions are involved in this process. Music engages a large area of the brain, so music can be used as a supplement in rehabi­litation programs and helps the improvement of speech and language skills.
