Intraoperative Difficult Airway Management in Patient with Pan Facial Fracture Using Airway Manoeuvre Involving Fiberoptic Intubation and Submental Intubation

  • Sumedha Mehta Department of Anaesthesiology, SKNMC & GH, Pune, India.
  • Girish Saundattikar Department of Anaesthesiology, SKNMC & GH, Pune, India.
  • Kiran.C. Valake Department of Anaesthesiology, SKNMC & GH, Pune, India.
  • Swapnil. G.Kandukwar Department of Anaesthesiology, SKNMC & GH, Pune, India.
Keywords: Submental intubation; Awake fiberoptic; Panfacial fracture


Intraoperative Airway management of Pan facial fracture is always challenging due to difficult airway resulting from airway trauma and airway sharing between the anesthesiologist and maxillofacial surgeon. Submental intubation is considered a good alternative technique over tracheostomy for providing a clear field intraoperatively for maxillofacial fracture fixation. We want to discuss airway management maneuvers using Awake fiberoptic bronchoscope-assisted intubation and submental intubation technique and the challenges we faced in a patient presented with Pan- facial fracture with difficult airway posted for surgery.
